

IMT Qualifications works with employers nationally as well as international to make sure that their workforce have the right skills and knowledge to develop the business further. We comprehensively offer organisations the opportunity to design their own regulated programmes and qualifications. We provide vital guidance to employers in developing Bespoke Qualifications through robust quality assurance process, which meets the needs of employees. Our qualifications or programmes can be customised to meet specific employment or industry needs. Moreover our bespoke qualifications can be any level or duration and the qualification will be awarded by IMT Qualifications.

Employers will get the following benefits by using bespoke qualifications.

  • Gain competitive advantage by having managers and leaders with the right skills to take the business forward
  • Assure that specific skills development, possibly as part of your wider development programmes, has a measurable impact in the workplace. This is evaluated through the assessed element of the programme.
  • Have flexibility to ensure that your employees study only topics relevant to your industry or skills specific to your business
  • It increases loyalty, retention rates and helps businesses remain competitive.
  • Gain competitive advantage by having managers and leaders with the right skills to take the business forward